Drone Show Software

SPH Engineering / Litva
April 2024 - June 2024 (3 months)
about the project
Fully redesigned and developed website dedicated to showcasing cutting-edge Drone Software for shows. The main focus is on user experience and conversion, as the website serves as a gateway for potential clients to discover and purchase.
client’s review
"Their ability to adapt and respond to our needs ensured a smooth workflow and outstanding results."
Kristina Schastyeva
Marketing Lead of Drone Show Software, SPH Engineering
read full review
The client approached us with a visually outdated website that also hindered user experience due to its complex structure. We redesigned the site's information architecture and developed a prototype to create a more intuitive and efficient user journey.
The visual style was inspired by the drone flight control software's distinctive dashboard interface, which we mirrored on the website. We chose Neue Montreal by Pangram Pangram for typography and used a dark color palette with a blue-to-violet gradient to match Drone Show Software's branding.
Main / gradient
Main / white
secondary / gray

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